SenSura Flex Drainable Bags
Bags with dual filter, adhesive coupling and hide-away outlet.
The essential guide to product selection
Bags with dual filter, adhesive coupling and hide-away outlet.
Two-piece urostomy bag with adhesive coupling.
Closed ileostomy bags with full-circle filter and mechanical coupling. This product must be dispensed with a supply of wipes and disposal bags.
Drainable ileostomy bags with full-circle filter and mechanical coupling. This product must be dispensed with a supply of wipes and disposal | bags.
Urostomy bags with mechanical coupling. This product must be dispensed with a supply of wipes and disposal bags.
Neutral grey colostomy appliance with inspection window.
Neutral grey ileostomy appliance with inspection window.
SenSura Mio one-piece closed bags with integral deep convexity, BodyFit Technology and full-circle filter. SenSura Mio Convex is a new closed pouch with an adaptive convex baseplate that provides stability around the stoma while being flexible. The elastic adhesive fits your body and the pouch stays discreet. Deep convex is for deeper inward areas, or for stomas with an opening below skin level that need a lot of help to protrude and tackle major challenges in the area around the stoma
One-piece drainable bag with integral deep convexity, BodyFit Technology and full-circle filter. SenSura Mio Convex is a drainable pouch with an adaptive convex baseplate that provides stability around the stoma while being flexible. The elastic adhesive fits your body and the pouch stays discreet. Deep convex is for deeper inward areas, or for stomas with an opening below skin level that need a lot of help to protrude and tackle major challenges in the area around the stoma.
Closed ileostomy bags with full-circle filter and adhesive coupling. This product must be | dispensed with a supply of wipes and disposal bags.