Option Connect 2 PL
Opaque ileostomy prolapse pouch.
The essential guide to product selection
Opaque ileostomy prolapse pouch.
Colostomy/Mini/Plus pouches with filter and soft covering to both sides to fit up to 45mm stoma (with/without window).
Skin wafer with adhesive connection and a plastic ring so that the pouch can be attached.
Stoma cap soft cover with filter.
A clear ileostomy pouch with filter, and with soft covering to one side. It also has MacKintosh liners.
Option midi soft convex ileostomy pouch with window, filter, soft covering to both sides and velcro.
Tapered Edge Closed Pouch, Filter, Soft Covering to both sides; opaque.
Tapered Edge Drainable Pouch, Filter, Soft Covering to both sides and velcro. Opaque.
A range of two-piece hydrocolloid pouches: Colostomy with filter and soft covering to both sides; Colostomy Plus with filter and soft covering to one side; Colostomy Plus with filter and soft covering to both sides. Colostomy Plus with soft covering to both sides.
Pouches to connect to flange.