Bladder, Bowel and Stoma Handbook

The essential guide to product selection



Soluble fibre supplement. HyFIBER is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. HyFIBER is a low volume, liquid fibre supplement containing 12g soluble fibre in each 30ml serving – this is made up of 10.3g from polydextrose and 1.7g from fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Presented in a mild citrus flavour. HyFIBER is suitable for the dietary management of bowel transit disorders. (HyFIBER should be administered by a clinician or dietitian. Dosage is dependent on the age and medical condition of the patient. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age. (It is recommended that the addition of HyFIBER to the diet should be gradually increased to meet individual requirements. As a guide, start with 30ml per day for one week, increase to 60ml a day in split doses if required. Bowel medication may need to be adjusted as the dose of HyFIBER is increased. HyFIBER is ready to use and can be administered via an enteral feeding tube or taken orally. Oral use- Can be directly from the sachet or mixed into hot or cold food and drinks. Enteral Tube Feeding– Flush feeding tube. Administer 30ml of HyFIBER via enteral feeding tube using a suitable enteral syringe. Once infused, flush tube and then continue enteral tube feeding as prescribed

Hyperseal Washers

Suitable for all pouch and stoma types. Can be moulded to suit users’ needs, remaining pliable during wear time.

Hyperseal Washers with Manuka Honey

These stoma seals are designed to add extra security to pouches. With the added comfort of Manuka honey, they are gentle on vulnerable and sensitive skin.